If you are up to romantic comedies, and Broadway musicals you will hate this movie. It is a movie about the brave 300 Spartan which led by King Leonidas against the so called God King Xerxes who leads the Persian Empire. Leonidas is a real hero, exaggerated perfectly as all historic and religious events always are. I cheered Gerard Butler's portrayal on King Leonidas but I'm also cheering the real Leonidas and the 300. This lends a significance to the movie that most other films can't claim.
This movie can also be found in the pages of history and named as the Battle of Thermopylae. Interms of the technicality of the film, it really emphasizes the brutal war between Spartan and Persian by showing exaggerating blood splatting effects and slow motion moves. Zach Snyder and Frank Miller have most successfully melded two mediums, comic books/illustration and film. This film is an evolution in the notion of what a film can be-an illustrators vision made 3D and contained in an almost 2 hour film. With a compelling and historically relevant story! Simply amazing. An evolution in art. See it for yourself.
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